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Creating Closure in Life's Final Moments
Creating Closure in Life's Final Moments
"The soul wears the body like a coat." - Mark Turnbull In this conversation, Mark Turnbull and Rich Nisbet explore the profound themes of …
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Aging Today Podcast
Jan. 6, 2025

Creating Closure in Life's Final Moments

Creating Closure in Life's Final Moments

"The soul wears the body like a coat." - Mark Turnbull

In this conversation, Mark Turnbull and Rich Nisbet explore the profound themes of death, dying, and the spiritual journey beyond.  As a Life and End of Life Coach, Rich explores profound themes...

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Aging Today Podcast

"The soul wears the body like a coat." - Mark Turnbull

In this conversation, Mark Turnbull and Rich Nisbet explore the profound themes of death, dying, and the spiritual journey beyond.  As a Life and End of Life Coach, Rich explores profound themes surrounding death, spirituality, and the journey of life. They discuss how changing one's perspective on death can lead to a more fulfilling life, the role of music in connecting with deeper spiritual realms, and the experiences of communicating with deceased loved ones. It may be difficult to embrace the acceptance of death and the fear associated with it, but it ultimately encourages listeners to welcome their spiritual essence and the continuity of existence beyond physical life.

Learn more about Rich Nisbit and Above It All 360.

Special Thanks to Royal Hospice Oregon

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Rich Nisbet

Rich Nisbet

The first third of this life was music. The second third was counseling & coaching others. This next third is combining both. The absolute fastest way to change any life situation is to elevate oneself above it all, because in doing so, you’ll attain a wider, more responsible view of it. And in that process, you begin tapping into the metaphysical (beyond physical) qualities in yourself. That’s when everything changes. I observed that those metaphysical occurrences have also happened for certain individuals during activities such as music and art, physically challenging or fun experiences, moments of heavy trauma and meditative connections with nature.

I decided I’d create a forum to provide people with some of the experiences and methods I have used to elevate them closer to the true quality that they are.

Above It All

Living a full, awesome, 360° life isn’t going to happen for you unless you take actions that bypass the body and brain’s filters which limit your perceptions and awareness’s, allowing you to perceive only what the body requires to biologically survive.

There are many ways to “break on through to the other side” into realms that science cannot explain but in your heart you know are true. Music, Motorcycles, and the Metaphysical are sub-headings of activities that can elevate you, and your awareness above it all.



This is the category regarding any creative endeavor that requires the part of you that can’t be explained with normal language. Art and creativity requires us to step outside the brain’s filtering function into imagination, conceptual ingenuity, visualization, and inspiration.



Performing Music

Listening to Music

Live Concerts






Song Writing


Wood Working


This includes any activity that elevates you above the normal operations and perceptions of life. Miraculous abilities manifest themselves in moments of necessity. Connection with nature brings about awareness that lift us into new, heightened realms of consciousness and happiness.

Rock Climbing

Snow Ski/Boarding

Water Ski


Scuba Diving





Kite Surfing










Coaching Processes

Weight Lifting

Marshal Arts






Any experience, perception or knowingness that you’ll never forget and is difficult to describe or talk about.



Signs from Deceased


Near Death Experience

Past Lives




Terminal Lucidity

Placebo Effect

Time Slows down

Lucid Dreams

Remote Viewing


Personal Moments

Perceiving a Soul

Near Death Experiences


This is the category regarding any creative endeavor that requires the part of you that can’t be explained with normal language. Art and creativity requires us to step outside the brain’s filtering function into imagination, conceptual ingenuity, visualization, and inspiration.



Performing Music

Listening to Music

Live Concerts






Song Writing


Wood Working


This includes any activity that elevates you above the normal operations and perceptions of life. Miraculous abilities manifest themselves in moments of necessity. Connection with nature brings about awareness that lift us into new, heightened realms of consciousness and happiness.

Rock Climbing

Snow Ski/Boarding

Water Ski


Scuba Diving





Kite Surfing










Coaching Processes

Weight Lifting

Marshal Arts






Any experience, perception or knowingness that you’ll never forget and is difficult to describe or talk about.



Signs from Deceased


Near Death Experience

Past Lives




Terminal Lucidity

Placebo Effect

Time Slows down

Lucid Dreams

Remote Viewing


Personal Moments

Perceiving a Soul

Near Death Experiences

“The way each band member plays together creates a harmonic and when it happens, we do feel the audience move up a notch, which moves us up a notch. It’s magic.”

-Roger Daltry

“My live performance, it just comes from feeling an energy and emotion from the crowd. Just going out there and doing my own stuff and being in front of my own people”

-Yo-Yo Ma

“I’m much more energetic now; you might say live performance is my mission.”

-John Fogerty

“As music becomes less of a thing, a cylinder, a cassette, a disc–and more ephemeral, perhaps we will begin to assign an increasing value to live performances again.”

-David Byrne

“Check out the albums, … check out the live performances. That’s the reality of it all. Music is such an energizing thing.”

-John Mayall

“Recorded music has always been in a sense promotion for live performance, and some artists have discovered that giving it away is as effective as trying to sell it.”

-Todd Rundgren

“Music is the carrier wave of life and civilization”

-Jim Arnold

“No music, no party”

-Unknown black Blues singer

“I have never used Auto-Tune in a live television performance, and I have never
used Auto-Tune in any of my concerts. That is a promise.”

-Taylor Swift

“If you told me I could do only one thing I would choose live concerts.”

-Mandy Patinkin

“I’m afraid concerts spoil people for everyday life.”

-L.M. Montgomery

“I can’t imagine this world without music”

-Mick Reed

“Music imprints itself in the mind deeper than any other human experience. Music brings back the feeling of Life when nothing else can.”

-Dr. Oliver Sacks

“Sometimes music is the only medicine the heart and soul needs”


“Rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.”


“Once you’ve been touched by Miles, you’ve been changed forever. But what you change to is more of who you really are.”

-Herbie Hancock on Miles Davis

“Poetry puts into words that which can’t be explained”


“Music can set your mind free”

-Bob Lefsetz

“Music is spiritual and has the power to heal.”

-Jimi Hendrix

“Art is a line around your thoughts.”

-Gustav Klimt

“The true use of art is, first, to cultivate the artist’s own spiritual nature.”

-George Inness

“If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”

-Edward Hopper

“I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.”

-WC Fields

“You could really see the joy in their faces as they played, looking like they were teenagers again, and that the musical telepathy between them was mind-boggling. “

-Geoff Emerick on The Beatles recording of Abbey Road’s “The End”

“The thing about history, you never realize you’re in the middle of history or you’re making history until you look back”

-Reg Kittrelle (on seeing Janis Joplin)

“A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It’s my favorite part of the business, live concerts.”

-Richard Eyre

“My motorcycle had once again taken me to the place I did not know I needed to be.”

-Justin Crowley

“My dad always told me that motorcycles were hazardous and if he ever caught me on one he’d kill me.”

-Vic Anderson

“The only time I feel at all competent, skilled and graceful is when I’m riding.”

-John Roseburg

“I asked God for a bike but I know he doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. “

-Emo Philips

“For all the risks motorcycle riding carries, a world of peace lives between the sky and where my tires touch the road.”

-Rob Campbell

“Across decades of motorcycling, expect to experience many memorable moments.”

-Curt Relick

“Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.”

-Hunter S. Thompson

“My car is only used in bad weather. “

-Jamie Cruz

“Motorcycles are a physical representation and a way to bodily experience my core value of freedom in its most joyful form.”

-Tania Davidson

“I’ve never seen a motorcyclist at a psychiatrist’s office.”

-Jamie Cruz

“I take to the open road, healthy free, the world before me.”

-Walt Whitman

“On a cycle you’re in complete contact with it all. You’re in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming.”

-Robert M. Pirsig

“If you can’t get it going with bungee cords, wire and duct tape, it’s serious.”


“Sunshine and golf keep the mind at ease”


“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.”

-Henry David Thoreau

“In losing complete awareness of time, I felt pure freedom. I was becoming one
with the sea.”

-Michelle Segrest on sailing

“Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul.”

-Jaime Lyn Beatty

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”

-John Muir

“The best part of climbing is when it all clicks and gravity ceases to exist.”

-Chris Sharma

“It doesn’t have to be fun to be fun.”

-Barry Blanchard on climbing

“One does not climb mountains to attain enlightenment, rather one climbs because they are enlightened.”

-Zen Master Futomaki

“Hiking is my religion”

-Sarah Sargent

“I was down in the ocean at 60 feet, floating with only the sounds of my air tank
and the water bubbles moving upward. And then I noticed I had crossed this
ledge drop-off that went forever, and I was suspended in a most enjoyable
“nothing”. It was totally spiritual.”

-George McDonald

“I like motorcycles so much because they represent freedom.”

-Dennis Schang

“There are things you do in life where you cross a threshold and there is no going back. Your life will never be what is was before you crossed that threshold.”

-Steve. Shiffer

“The day when science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than all the previous centuries of it’s existence”

-Nikola Tesla

“The analytic mind is a beautiful servant and a lousy master.”

“You keep asking, “Where do I come from?” Well, you don’t come from anywhere. Everything comes from you.”

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

-Marianne Williamson

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

-Lao Tzo

“Life is the dancer and you are the dance”

-E. Tolle

“When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.”

-Victor Frankl

“I’d rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned”

-R. Feyman

“Death comes to experience, not to you”

-Deepak Chopra

“The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and sense he has attained liberation from the Self”

-A. Einstein

“We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it”

-Willie Nelson

“We’ve had it all wrong. We are not physical. We are consciousness”

-Eben Alexander

“One of the most bizarre premises of quantum theory, which has long fascinated philosophers and physicists alike, states that by the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality.”

-Weizmann Institute of Science

“The question is not “What is the meaning of life?” The real problem is trying to formulate the right question.”

-Elon Musk

“We are spirits in the material world”


“I’m not afraid of death because I don’t believe in it. It’s just getting out of one car, and into another.”

-John Lennon

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.”


“The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets.”

-John Lennon

“There’s more to our existence than meets the eye.”

-Brandon Fugal

“I learned that our purpose on earth is to live the fullest life possible and to help others.”

-Woman who had a Near Death Experience

“When you lose your fear of dying, you lose your fear of living.”

-Bruce Greyson M.D.

“The brain is a reducing valve that restricts consciousness.”

-Aldous Huxley

“You can’t find what you’re not looking for.”

-Lynette Nisbet

“When you follow intuition, solutions come to you and you don’t know how or why.”

-Albert Einstein

“Creativity is linked to intuition.”

-Gavin De Becker

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