This week on the Aging Today podcast, I interviewed the Adaptive dance teacher, Founder, and Director of, Judith Sachs. She discusses ways to keep moving while aging with your partner.
This week on the Aging Today podcast, I interviewed the Adaptive dance teacher, Founder, and Director of, Judith Sachs. She discusses ways to keep moving while aging with your partner.
Moving our bodies gives us control, comfort, and joy. As we age, the tendency for many is to become less active. However, the key to healthy aging is movement. Joining us on Aging Today is an incredible mover and shaker, Judith Sachs. In her 70s, Judith is a leader in inspiring people to keep moving. Her online workshop, "Close Contact For Couples", fosters communication and collaboration between partners and self-confidence and safety for singles living alone as they age. Yes, Anyone Can Move! #Portland
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