This week on the Aging Today podcast, I interviewed caregiving expert Elaine Sanchez. She discusses support for stressed caregivers.
This week on the Aging Today podcast, I interviewed caregiving expert Elaine Sanchez. She discusses support for stressed caregivers.
Elaine Sanchez is an author, speaker, co-founder of, and the person behind the video-based CaregiverHelp Support Group program. She has a passion for helping others manage the emotional stress of caregiving, which comes through in her book, “Letters from Madelyn, Chronicles of a Caregiver.” And she’s also a masterful storyteller. Caregivers laugh through their tears when Elaine talks about caregiver anger, guilt, depression, grief, and dementia-related behaviors. They come away feeling validated, uplifted, and empowered to care for themselves. Listen in — you’re sure to enjoy it!
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