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5/6/20: Dr. B with The Plant Fed Gut | Get your gut thriving by being Fiber Fueled | Aging in Portland with Mark Turnbull
5/6/20: Dr. B with The Plant Fed Gut | Get your gut thrivin…
This week on Aging in Portland, our guest is “Dr. B,” a gastroenterologist from The Plant Fed Gut. We talked about how anyone can get their…
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Aging Today Podcast
May 7, 2020

5/6/20: Dr. B with The Plant Fed Gut | Get your gut thriving by being Fiber Fueled | Aging in Portland with Mark Turnbull

5/6/20: Dr. B with The Plant Fed Gut | Get your gut thriving by being Fiber Fueled | Aging in Portland with Mark Turnbull

This week on Aging in Portland, our guest is “Dr. B,” a gastroenterologist from The Plant Fed Gut. We talked about how anyone can get their gut thriving again by becoming “fiber fueled.”

Optimizing your gut health will have a MASSIVE impact on your...

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Aging Today Podcast
This week on Aging in Portland, our guest is “Dr. B,” a gastroenterologist from The Plant Fed Gut. We talked about how anyone can get their gut thriving again by becoming “fiber fueled.”

Optimizing your gut health will have a MASSIVE impact on your total wellness, from improved digestion to balanced hormones and a stronger immune system. Dr. B, a gastroenterologist, was himself a junk-food junkie who, by his own admission, was doing his gut no favors with his diet rich in processed foods and poor in plants. Sick of his state of health and those of his patients, he turned to research journals for answers. It changed everything, and he tells us how. Don’t miss this show!

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